It is our mission to bring women closer to God through prayer. As we connect day after day with women, we come face-to-face with real life issues, challenges and the needs of women. So many women depend on Girlfriends Pray Ministries as a life line to God. Every day we see lives changed, lives impacted and souls led back to Jesus Christ. Girlfriends Pray Ministries is 501(c)3 Non-Profit. All donations are tax-deductible.
God called all believers to serve and we trust Him for faithful supporters who understand the need and have the willingness to partner with us as we claim enlarged territory – ONE MILLION women around the world united in prayer.

Girlfriends Pray
625 Broad Street, Ste. 240
Newark, NJ 07102
To give via Zelle use the email address donate@girlfriendspray.or

We believe your tithe belongs to your local church, therefore we accept your financial gift as an offering for the ongoing support of Girlfriends Pray Ministries.
Words from our Sisters...
“I have been so blessed by Girlfriends Pray!! Once working on behalf of these daughters.”
– A. Adams
“For those of you just joining Girlfriends Pray, if it had not been for God and this prayer line on my side …. Where would I be … in the grave by my own hand!”
– Courtney
“Coach Dee thank you for all the support and motivation that you are giving to help women in need of your services, prayer etc. You are truly a shining star!! Peace and Luv.”
– A. Green