our ministry
We have prayer calls every Monday through Friday at 7am EST (6am CST), 10 EST (9pm CST), and on Wednesdays at 12 noon EST (11am CST).
Girlfriends Pray is our primary prayer service which convenes five days a week at 7am via teleconference line.
Girlfriends Pray Live Events includes all in-person opportunities hosted around the world to connect and win one million women to God in prayer. The events include but are not limited to our signature event “The Big Hat Fascination” as well as GP Empower Study.
Girlfriends Pray Global is our intentional outreach and inclusion of women of faith who reside outside of the United States and Canada.
Girlfriends Pray Real Solutions is the extension not associated with prayer rather offering fee-based low-cost products, services and solutions to meet and serve the needs and interests of the women we serve.