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WELCOME TO ABUNDANT LIFE … podcast to empower you


In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.- James 2:17


If you’re praying for God to fix your life and waiting for it to just magically happen, I’ve got news for you. This is a public service announcement. You cannot just sit back and wait for everything to be done for you. God is able to change and transform your life but it’s going to take work on your part.  Do the work of guarding your ear gate and feeding your mind positive. Did you know everything in life begins with and revolves around your thoughts and your words?  And what you think and speak has much to do what you take in…. what you put in eventually will come out.  So make it your priority to fill yourself up with good positive encouraging inspiring insightful information that will support you along your journey to becoming who God created you to be.


When you listen this to the podcast can you tweet it out “Hey @GirlfriendsPray just listen to @DeeCMarshall and my biggest takeaway was [fill in the blank]” Ok that’s a lot … alright just holla on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram … and check back here every Thursday for a new podcast.








WELCOME TO ABUNDANT LIFE … podcast to empower you


In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.- James 2:17


If you’re praying for God to fix your life and waiting for it to just magically happen, I’ve got news for you. This is a public service announcement. You cannot just sit back and wait for everything to be done for you. God is able to change and transform your life but it’s going to take work on your part.  Do the work of guarding your ear gate and feeding your mind positive. Did you know everything in life begins with and revolves around your thoughts and your words?  And what you think and speak has much to do what you take in…. what you put in eventually will come out.  So make it your priority to fill yourself up with good positive encouraging inspiring insightful information that will support you along your journey to becoming who God created you to be.


When you listen this to the podcast can you tweet it out “Hey @GirlfriendsPray just listen to @DeeCMarshall and my biggest takeaway was [fill in the blank]” Ok that’s a lot … alright just holla on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram … and check back here every Thursday for a new podcast.












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