statement of faith
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
JOHN 3:16
We believe...
We believe Jesus the Christ lived, died and rose again with all power and whoever believes will have eternal life. – John 3:16
We believe Jesus the Christ is the son of God who paid the price to cover our sins and the entire substitutionary work done on the cross was for us so that we are now free and clear of any outstanding debt due for our sins. – Romans 3:24
We believe we are all sinners saved by grace and we earned nothing but have received everything by spiritual adoption when we accepted Jesus the Christ as our Lord and Savior. – Ephesians 2:8
We believe we are called to relationship with God and it is our relationship with God that allows us access to Heaven. – Luke 11:1
We believe we called to unite with a local body and this ministry is a supplement in addition to your Church membership. – Acts 2:42
We believe we called to be Ambassadors of Christ to represent Him in the earth and allow Him to make His appeal through us in our every day walk. – 2 Corinthians 5:22
We believe God is the final judge therefore, we have no right to judge others but to pray for all, whosoever will come we pray and trust God to do the rest. – James 4:12
We believe we are to called to be do-ers of the Word and do our best to live according to the Word and allow it to be our standard and guide for daily living. – James 1:22